Rediscover the
natural ACL anatomy


Medacta M-ARS ACL Set has been designed to perform the reconstruction of a torn ACL using the Anatomic Ribbon Technique.
Medacta M-ARS system allows the reconstruction of the ACL insertion site mimicking the native ACL footprint by twisting the ribbon shaped transplant before the graft is pulled into the femoral tunnel. The graft is fixed by means of Medacta Tibial Pull Suture Plate and Medacta Extracortical Femoral Button implants.



Innovative single bundle with more natural stress distribution

Improved healing

Dedicated implants

Dedicated instruments

Dedicated surgical technique




The Medacta Extracortical Femoral Button is an implantable suspension device used to guarantee the graft fixation on the femoral side during ACL reconstruction


The Medacta Tibial Pull Suture Plate is an implantable extra cortical suspension device used to guarantee the graft fixation on the tibial side during ACL reconstruction following the M-ARS ACL Medacta Anatomic Ribbon Surgery.


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